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How To Promote Trading Affiliate Programs

There are countless effective ways to promote trading affiliate programs, and social media is the best among them. More than 4.5 billion people use social media currently, so you can reach a huge number of people in a short time. Search engine advertisements come next. Various publishing platforms, guest posting, email marketing are effective methods as well.

Although the ways to promote trading affiliate programs are pretty straightforward, you can use every bit of information you get. Here you can find a breakdown explaining each of these methods, and also discuss how you can choose the right trading affiliate program for you.

6 Best Ways To Promote Trading Affiliates

There are may ways of promoting your trading affiliate program link, but its important you spend your time on the most likely to pay off. That said, here are the following are the six most effective methods for promoting trading affiliate programs:

1. Social Media

Social media is the fastest and easiest way to reach large numbers of people and earn money. You can promote your affiliate links via your social media account with ease. Don’t just stick to one account; promote across all platforms. Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are three of the social media platforms with the most subscribers. All you need to do is open an account and run your campaign.

Videos often have better engagement. So, it’s always a good idea to resort to YouTube or TikTok for short videos. However, no matter which social media platform you use; there are some tips and tricks for more efficient marketing. Always make sure your social media profile is complete.

People won’t trust anything from a half-baked account. If your niche is stock or forex trading, make your profile looks like a bona fide trader. You must come across as someone who knows what they are doing. Also, be active on social media. Engage your friends and followers regularly. Respond to their queries and keep your campaign updated.

Be strategic about affiliate link placement. It’s a good idea to put the link in your bio, but don’t do so without any context. The reader should know what the link is about before clicking. Write a small description beside the link and it will gain more engagement.

2. Blog Sites

Blog sites are easy to run and maintain. With proper SEO techniques, it’s easy to reach the target audience in a short time without too much work. Aside from all the SEO techniques, only posting quality content can get you tons of organic traffic. If your content can provide visitors with what they want to know, your site will rise to success faster than you can imagine.

Simple is the best way to go for blog sites. You doesn’t need be anything fancy. A simple, easy-to-navigate, and responsive website is all you need for blogging. Make sure your content is easy to read and understand. Avoid using too much jargon and creating complex sentences. Use familiar words and fluid storytelling.

It’s always great to consult with professional content writing agencies. They are the experts in this and have knowledge and experience in this sector. Most content writing agencies have SEO experts, so you won’t have to worry about that either.

A little investment in content writing will take you a long way. Your site will rank and, thus, your affiliate links will get more attention.

3. Search Engine Advertising

Advertising on Google, Bing, and similar search engines is a great way to promote anything, including affiliate programs. You might become confused between Google AdWords and Google AdSense. To put it simply, AdWords allows businesses to put their ads in the first place of search results.

AdSense is the block of ads you see on various websites. It allows website owners to put ads on their sites. Here is an excellent write-up that explains AdWords and AdSense. If you have a blog site, you can make use of both to promote your trading affiliate programs.

In AdSense, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. So, it is a very economical way to promote your affiliate links. Choose the right keywords and bid carefully. Similarly, you can put ads on other search engines like Bing, Yahoo!, Yandex, etc.

4. Publishing Platforms

Free publishing sites like Reddit, Medium, Quora, etc see a ridiculous amount of traffic every month. Sometimes the number exceeds 100 million. These sites are different from social media sites. People visit sites like this for question-answers, discussions, specific information, etc. rather than just scrolling.

So, promoting your trading affiliate programs on sites like this can give your business a massive boost. People ask questions and seek information about things that are not readily available on other sites. People with expertise on respective topics answer those questions with their knowledge and experience.

You can also answer questions regarding topics of your expertise. Thus, you can build credibility and people will begin to trust you. They will follow your profile and once you build a big enough audience, you can promote your affiliate programs to them.

You can put the link in your bio just like other social media sites. Or you can add the link in your answers if it’s relevant. The bottom line is that if you can utilize these sites to their fullest, promoting your affiliate programs will be easy.

5. Guest Posting

Guest posting can make or break a business. If your blog site doesn’t get enough traffic, there is an alternative and even better way to reach your target audience. It is done by posting your content on a site that already has a huge amount of traffic every day. This is known as guest posting.

Guest posting is a well-known and highly used method in the affiliate marketing world to promote newly launched sites. Try contacting site owners with high domain authority and posting your content there. Make sure your niche and the site’s niche are the same. Most websites won’t allow you to use affiliate links directly.

So, add a link back to your site’s page containing the affiliate link. If your content is high quality and capable of gaining the reader’s attention, you can expect traffic to your site. Don’t forget to put your full credentials in the author’s bio section. You can also put your blog/website link there.

6. Email Marketing Campaign

Last but not least, email marketing is one of the top choices these days for reaching customers. There are over 4 billion email users, so you can imagine how big it is. You can also promote your affiliate programs using email marketing. You will need a tool and a proper plan to succeed in the email marketing campaign. Mailchimp and ActiveCampaign are two of the best email marketing tools currently available.

Collecting email addresses can be tricky if you are new to them. Here is an article that explains the ways you can collect email addresses for your campaign. There are some laws regarding email marketing and they vary in different geographies, so always double check your local laws.

Always put an opt-out link in your email. This allows the recipient to opt-out of your emails. Don’t use any misleading information. Include your email address and a valid postal address. Make sure you have permission to email the people on your list. Putting in your affiliate link randomly won’t get you anything. So always make sure that the readers have something to gain.

How To Find The Best Trading Affiliate Programs

There are plenty of trading affiliate programs. All of them can be quite lucrative, so it can be hard to determine which one is the best. To figure out the best trading affiliate programs, first, you have to make sure that the broker is legit. Make sure the broker has mostly positive reviews and has been working for a while.

Next comes the commission plans. There are two main categories; cost per acquisition (CPA) and revenue sharing. Which one you should go for depends on a lot of factors. For details, you can follow this article.

Also, a good affiliate program should provide you with all the tools you need. Conduct prior research to figure out what they are offering to their partners. You can find an excellent write-up about the best trading affiliate programs here. After all, if you are confused and not sure what to choose, this side-by-side comparison of various trading affiliate programs can help you make up your mind.


Trading affiliate programs can be a game-changer. If you are resilient and perseverant, you can make a fortune out of it. But before that, you will need in-depth knowledge about how to promote trading affiliate programs the right way and reach more audiences.

The Affiliate Monkey
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