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Affiliate Marketing and Mobile: How to Make it Work

Affiliate marketing is a popular way for businesses to promote their products and services by partnering with affiliates who earn a commission for promoting their offerings. The rise of mobile technology has created new opportunities and challenges for affiliate marketers. In this article, we will explore how affiliate marketing can be effectively used on mobile devices and offer tips for making it work.

Affiliate Marketing and Mobile

Understanding Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which businesses reward affiliates for each customer or visitor brought to their website through the affiliate’s marketing efforts. This can be done through various channels, such as social media, email, or advertising. The affiliate earns a commission for each successful conversion, which could be a sale, sign-up, or any other action specified by the business.

Affiliate marketing is beneficial for both businesses and affiliates. Businesses can expand their reach and increase sales without spending a lot on advertising, while affiliates can earn passive income by promoting products they believe in. Affiliate marketing is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

There are many different types of affiliate marketing programs, including pay-per-click (PPC), pay-per-lead (PPL), and pay-per-sale (PPS). Each program has its own benefits and drawbacks, and businesses need to choose the right one for their needs.

Some popular affiliate marketing networks include Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction. These networks connect businesses with affiliates and provide tools and resources to help them succeed.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Affiliates promote the products or services of a business through a unique link or code provided by the business. This link or code tracks the traffic and sales generated by the affiliate’s marketing efforts. When a customer makes a purchase or performs a specific action through that link, the affiliate earns a commission. The commission can vary depending on the terms set by the business.

To be successful in affiliate marketing, affiliates need to choose the right products to promote, build a strong online presence, and create engaging content that resonates with their target audience. They also need to understand the commission structure and payout process of the affiliate program they are promoting.

Some helpful resources for beginners include Shopify’s guide to affiliate marketing and Neil Patel’s blog on affiliate marketing. Additionally, there are many online courses and communities that can provide guidance and support for those interested in affiliate marketing.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing offers many benefits for both businesses and affiliates. Businesses can expand their reach and increase sales by leveraging the network of affiliates. Affiliates can earn a passive income by promoting products or services they believe in.

One of the key benefits of affiliate marketing is that it can provide a low-risk, high-reward marketing strategy for businesses. Instead of spending large amounts of money on advertising and marketing campaigns that may or may not be effective, businesses can pay affiliates a commission only when a sale is made. This means that businesses can save money on advertising costs while still reaching a wide audience.

For affiliates, the benefits of affiliate marketing include the ability to earn a passive income by promoting products or services they believe in. Affiliates can choose products or services that align with their interests or expertise, making it a great way to monetize a blog or social media presence. Additionally, many affiliate programs offer training and resources to help affiliates succeed, making it a low-cost way to start an online business.

The Rise of Mobile Technology

Mobile Devices and Affiliate Marketing

Mobile devices have revolutionised the way people access information and make purchases. According to a report by eMarketer, mobile commerce accounted for over 70% of all e-commerce sales in 2020. This presents a significant opportunity for businesses to reach customers through mobile devices.

For affiliates, mobile devices also offer new opportunities to reach a wider audience. With the rise of mobile apps and social media platforms, affiliates can promote products or services to a mobile-first audience. Additionally, many businesses have developed mobile-specific affiliate programs, providing unique opportunities for affiliates to earn commissions.

To take advantage of this trend, businesses and affiliates need to ensure that their websites and marketing materials are optimised for mobile devices. This includes using responsive design, optimising page load times, and creating mobile-specific content. By doing so, businesses and affiliates can ensure that they are reaching their target audience where they spend most of their time: on their mobile devices.

Affiliate Marketing and Mobile

Challenges of Affiliate Marketing on Mobile

Mobile technology has created new opportunities for affiliate marketing, but it has also brought new challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the limited screen size of mobile devices. This can make it difficult to display affiliate links and track conversions. A study by Marketing Land found that nearly half of all clicks on mobile ads are accidental. This means that businesses need to be strategic about how they display their affiliate links on mobile devices to avoid accidental clicks and wasted advertising spend.

To overcome these challenges, businesses need to adopt new strategies and techniques for affiliate marketing on mobile devices. One such strategy is the use of deep linking. Deep linking allows affiliates to direct users to specific pages within a mobile app or website, rather than just the homepage. This makes it easier for users to find the product or service they are looking for and increases the chances of conversions.

Tips for Making Affiliate Marketing Work on Mobile

To make affiliate marketing work on mobile devices, businesses need to create mobile-friendly websites that are easy to navigate and optimise for speed. Here are some tips for making affiliate marketing work on mobile devices:

  • Create Mobile-Friendly Websites: Design websites that are mobile-friendly and easy to navigate. This will improve user experience and increase the chances of conversions. A mobile-friendly website is essential in today’s mobile-first world.
  • Use Responsive Design: Implement responsive design to ensure that websites and landing pages adapt to different screen sizes and devices. This will make it easier for users to view content and navigate the website on mobile devices.
  • Use Shorter URLs: Shorter URLs are easier to share on social media and other channels. They also take up less space in mobile messages and emails, making them easier to read and click on.
  • Optimise for Speed: Optimise websites for speed to reduce load times and improve user experience. This is important because mobile users have less patience than desktop users. A slow website can lead to higher bounce rates and lower conversions.
  • Use Mobile-Friendly Affiliate Networks: Choose affiliate networks that offer mobile-friendly tracking and reporting. This will make it easier for businesses to track conversions and measure the success of their affiliate marketing campaigns on mobile devices.

By implementing these tips, businesses can overcome the challenges of affiliate marketing on mobile devices and drive more conversions and revenue.

As mobile technology continues to evolve, businesses need to stay ahead of the curve to remain competitive. With the right strategies and techniques, affiliate marketing can be a powerful tool for businesses to reach customers on mobile devices and drive revenue.

Best Practices for Affiliate Marketing on Mobile

Understand Your Audience

First and foremost, understanding your audience is crucial. By understanding their preferences, behaviour, and how they use mobile devices to access information and make purchases, you can tailor your affiliate marketing strategy to meet their needs. This may involve using specific keywords, creating targeted ads, or developing mobile-specific landing pages.

Use Mobile-Specific Content

Another best practice is to create content that is specifically designed for mobile devices. This includes using shorter headlines, bullet points, and shorter paragraphs that are easy to read on small screens. By optimising your content for mobile, you can improve user experience and increase the chances of conversions.

Leverage Social Media

Social media is an excellent channel for promoting affiliate products on mobile. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provide businesses with an opportunity to reach a wider audience and increase conversions. By creating engaging social media content and leveraging the power of social sharing, businesses can drive traffic to their affiliate products and boost their bottom line.

Use Mobile Advertising

Mobile advertising can also be a powerful tool for promoting affiliate products on mobile. Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads allow businesses to target their audience with precision and reach them wherever they are. By using mobile-specific ad formats and targeting options, businesses can increase their chances of success and generate more revenue.


Affiliate marketing can be effectively used on mobile devices to reach a wider audience and increase conversions. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this article, you can create a successful affiliate marketing campaign that works well on mobile devices.


1. What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which businesses reward affiliates for each customer or visitor brought to their website through the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

2. How does affiliate marketing work?

Affiliates promote the products or services of a business through a unique link or code provided by the business. When a customer makes a purchase or performs a specific action through that link, the affiliate earns a commission.

3. How can I make affiliate marketing work on mobile?

To make affiliate marketing work on mobile, you need to create mobile-friendly websites, use responsive design, optimise for speed, use mobile-friendly affiliate networks, understand your audience, use mobile-specific content, leverage social media, and use mobile advertising.

4. Can I use affiliate marketing on social media?

Yes, social media is an excellent channel for promoting affiliate products on mobile. Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to reach a wider audience and increase conversions.

5. Is mobile advertising effective for affiliate marketing?

Yes, mobile advertising can be a powerful tool for promoting affiliate products on mobile. Use platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads to reach your target audience and increase conversions.

The Affiliate Monkey
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